tisdag, december 29, 2009

Burning Down the House.

There will come a year where I'm happy most of the time, travel more than I already do and have more money than I have time to spend.
I will read books I'll love and watch shows I'll get addicted to and I'll laugh and laugh and laugh. It'll be a year where I have time for school and friends without having to choose. A year in which I don't angst about my studies and life-choices constantly and where I'll feel my own age instead of aged down with worries.
It's a year that ends well, without me spending it's last two weeks constantly sleeping because stress has left me too sleep-deprived to do anything else. A year with few regrets and a little more rewards for hard work and work well done.

That year wasn't this year. Hopefully, it's the next.
And if so happens that it's not 2010, I propose that the entire thing, shattered dreams and dissapointments included, is taken out back and shot.

1 kommentar:

Malin sa...

Det var allt för länge sen jag tittade förbi din blogg! Men det har blivit lika för mig i vissa delar, man får välja på jobb och vänner och det är oftast inte ens mycket av ett val. Jag har redan satsat på det här och nu måste det fullföljas, för min och alla de andras skull =)
Jag hoppas ditt 2010 har artat sig bättre! Jag vet hur det känns med ångesten och oron över sina val och att tiden flyter iväg utan att 'livet' riktigt kan börja.