fredag, oktober 22, 2010

25 While 25

I'm closing in on my 25th birthday. Now in all honesty, I can't help but feel a bit old even though I know I'm really not. And I do know I've accomplished a lot, yet feel like I haven't really. So, instead of making the following year my plunging into quarter-life crisis, I've decided to make it a year of adventure, projects and new experiences.

Inspired by lists like "101 things to do in 1001 day", and the book I got for my 20th birthday, "101 things to do before you die" (seriously, it's a tough one to finish. I mean, what kind of psycho wants to swim with sharks and chase down tornadoes anyways?), I've decided to make my own list: 25 While 25.
As it implies, the purpose is to finish all 25 goals within the year that I am 25, from November 4th 2010, to a minute to midnight November 3d 2011. Not only does the idea appeal in that it seems fun, but it also might give me the push I need to finish or try out a lot of things I've been procrastinating for years.

So, without further ado, The List:

Have a massive cake-fest and only serve great amounts of home-made sweets.
2. Get a massage or SPA-treatment.
3. Attend a ballet.
4. See an opera, which has to be in German or Italian.
5. Write a postcard/ letter each month, and to a different person each time.
6. Reach my ideal weight of 58kilos, and stay there.
7. Participate and finish in the all female race "Tjej-milen".
8. Finish my Master thesis.
9. Get a tattoo.
10. Learn conversational Spanish.
11. Visit a European capitol I haven't been to yet.
Take a trip to Japan.
Read 5 authors who's native language is neither Swedish nor English.
See the top 25 movies on IMDb's greatest - list.
Participate in a short-story contest where first prize exceeds 10.000SEK.
Attend a Pride-parade.
Throw a real house-warming party.
Buy a wig and use it randomly in my everyday life.
Go to a karaoke bar and dare to sing.
Attend a real ball, with a white tie dress code.
Get an internship at a publishing house.
Become a member of a political party.
Re-start and maintain the sugar-blog, with at least an update a week.
Donate blood.

(Everything in burgundy italics is a started but not yet finished project.)
There are a lot of things to do, and one day I might start a "101 things in a 1001 days"-list. But until then, I think this is quite ambitious as it is.

2 kommentarer:

Jodes sa...

Jag hjälper dig gärna och deltar i några av dina quests. Framförallt spa-behandlingen känner jag att jag kan offra mig för. :)

Utan att lova för mkt så kan jag säga att tjejmilen skulle jag också vilja klara på något sätt. Tatueringen vet du ju. Och spanska låter som en bra idé eftersom jag tänkt lära Grynet engelska behöver jag ett språk att dumförklara den lilla med. :) Donera blod gör jag också med glädje nu när proverna redan är tagna.


Autumn sa...

Tycker definitivt vi ska gå på SPA!
Kanske någon gång i vår när jag är slut efter uppsatsskrivandet och du behöver en paus i mammaledigheten?
Jag lär inte ge blod förrän sent nästa år, måste förbättra mina värden lite. Men det ser bättre ut en på många år (eller snarare, tillskillnad från 7 år sedan, ser det ut som att jag faktiskt får ge blod nu :P )