lördag, augusti 20, 2011


I have a week left of studies for my exams, and the stress still not as bad as it could be, which is good. I am doing well, working effectively but not fast enought, at least not yet. We'll see where I stand on that by the middle of the week.

I try to eat and sleep well, and am proud to say I'm hanging in there. Yesterday I woke up after only 4-5 hours, since the room was so warm and stuffy, and I couldn't go back to sleep. The entire day continued the same, building up to a storm, and it's been raining all night. I slept like a log, and got a good ten hours in me. I try to not stay cooped up either, and make sure I leave the appartment for a walk, a visit to the libraries, a coffee in town, just to get some fresh air and stretch my legs. All in all, I've been holding to my plan of not getting too distracted. I don't surf on the web half as much as I usually do, I ignore the phone, I canceled next weeks movie-plans, and I feel like I'm getting somewhere. It's not fun, but it's good.

For the past week, this has been the primary aspect of my life, with the exception that the titles of the books change depending on the assignment I'm working on, and that the computer sometimes shows youtube or Spotify etc, instead of the schools teaching platform.
Woop- woop...

4 kommentarer:

Maria sa...

Heja heja. :)

Autumn sa...

Jag kämpar på för fullt!

B. sa...

finaste gulledu,

jag saknar dig och hejar på dig och vill att du ska åka hem till mig i Rinkeby och dricka te snart. jävligt snart, ok?

vill bara skicka dig det här: http://matematiken.tumblr.com/

min definitiva ersättare för skunk. det kommer att bli en renodlad dagbok as it was back in the day, och du var min finaste läsare.

önskar vi var i Sicilien igen, just precis nu.


Autumn sa...

Honey B,
jag önskar också att vi var på Sicilien nu. Eller i Istanbul, eller varför inte Madrid? När ska vi resa och smaka av världen igen?

Jag saknar dig massor och kommer följa ditt skrivande så som jag alltid gjort, och jag kommer och dricker te hos dig i september så vi kan pratar om allt som är viktigt här i världen igen.

Varmaste kramar.